Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison (pictured), opened the 2020 The National Press Club series of discussions recently with a hollow presentation, devoid of facts, but loaded with rhetoric; rhetoric that would undoubtedly bring comfort to many of his followers and distress to many other people.Climate Conversations had been started with aim of helping people better understand the climate crisis and hopefully give them the tools to navigate this quickly unfolding difficult and challenging time.We hear today from ABC Radio National breakfast host Fran Kelly who took her show on the road and talked with many people on the south coast of New South Wales, among them a GP from Bateman’s Bay who was clear in her diagnosis that what people were dealing with were the direct complications of climate change.Guardian columnist, George Monbiot, doesn’t pull and punches and demanded that government stopped “fidling at the margins”. And finally, we end with an uplifting piece from TedX in 2017 by far-western New South Wales farmer, Anika Molesworth.See for privacy information.