It wasn’t all pleasantries. A clearly annoyed Ardern had, earlier in the debate, lashed Collins over claims that if re-elected the PM would implement the New Zealand Greens’ wealth tax policy, despite her categorical denials.”This has been happening for two weeks now. It’s a desperate political strategy to try and get votes and it’s wrong. We said we would campaign on facts and play it straight,” Ardern said.But in an age when people are increasingly inclined to choose their facts to suit their opinions, urged on by populist leaders such as the United States’ Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, the exchange of praise between the two leaders stood out.Ardern has been feted as a sort of anti-Trump, a sentiment born out by the Prime Minister’s declaration that “I want our nation to not be completely polarised and actually relative to other countries, we do a pretty good job on that”.Jacinda Ardern looks set to win New Zealand’s election on Saturday. Credit:APIf New Zealand has (at least for now) largely suppressed the divisive politics taking root in democracies all over the world, there are still tensions at the heart of the 2020 election campaign.And as the country looks to revive its economy in a COVID-afflicted world, this is an election with enormous consequences.Janine Hayward, a politics professor at the University of Otago, notes that Ardern’s critics have campaigned on her 2017 promise to lead a transformational government “and for them it would be a stretch to describe what they have achieved in that way” and that the Prime Minister is more style than substance.Collins, during the debate, accused Ardern of a litany of “broken promises” during her three years in coalition government with the centre-left NZ Greens and nationalist NZ First parties, including on signature policies to reduce child poverty, build light rail in Auckland and in the KiwiBuild program to build 100,000 new homes over 10 years.But as Hayward notes, “public trust here in institutions and officials is enormously high and the trust the New Zealand public has in the government’s COVID response is phenomenally high”.”There is a certain amount of forgiveness [for policies Ardern has not implemented] and 2017 feels like a long time ago. I think people are ready to suspend regular judgments on governments because of COVID.”Labor also has responses to those criticisms, that you can’t fix those things in a single term.”New Zealanders will also vote in two referenda on Saturday – one on the legalisation of assisted dying, the other on the legalisation of recreational cannabis use.Ardern, Collins and former prime ministers John Key and Helen Clark support a “yes” for assisted dying and polling suggests a small majority of Kiwis will support the change.But polling on the cannabis law suggests it is headed for a narrow defeat. Collins has made it clear she opposes it (though she backs the already legal medicinal marijuana) and Ardern won’t say which way she’ll vote on the issue.Richard Shaw, a politics professor at Massey University, says that Collins is accurate in describing Ardern as having fallen short on policy promises, while hospital waiting lists and public housing waiting lists have also grown.The Prime Minister surrounded by adoring fans in an Auckland schoolyard.Credit:Getty ImagesBut Ardern’s handling of the Christchurch massacre, the White Island volcano eruption and the pandemic has been assured and competent, and “there is an understanding of the constraints that multi-coalitions places on you”.”There are debates in certain sections of the political commentariat about the discrepancy between her popularity and her actual performance – but I’m not sure voters are paying attention to that,” Shaw says.”I think Judith Collins is just trying to hold onto her base, she is trying to stop a rout.”Ardern was a cautious leader in her first term, Shaw says, despite her idealistic pledge to transform politics, and this campaign has been less about policy debate and more about leadership.Loading”Policy hasn’t dominated in the way you would usually see. Ardern set out to frame this as the COVID election and she has succeeded, people have remained concerned about keeping COVID out. All the talk from Scott Morrison about an air bridge? Nobody here wants anyone from anywhere coming in until we can be sure that they don’t have [the virus].”New Zealand, after a strict eight-week lockdown early in the pandemic, emerged a COVID-19-free country in May.Collins, a conservative leader and veteran politician who only took over the leadership of the Nationals on July 14, has left nothing on the table during the campaign but an Ardern win is looking increasingly likely.A relatively small outbreak of COVID-19 in Auckland in August sent the country into a partial lockdown, delaying the election by a month until October 17. However the outbreak was brought under control in a matter of weeks, the country has returned to COVID-free status (aside from cases in returned travellers) and Ardern has been rewarded in the polls.The last Colmar Brunton poll, published on Thursday evening, had Labour on 46 per cent, National on 31 per cent, the Greens on 8 per cent, New Zealand First on 3 per cent and the centre-right ACT on 8 per cent.Hayward says the election campaign has been a “COVID campaign, but because we aren’t affected by it at the moment, we aren’t talking about it directly”.”What COVID means for us here at the moment is debates about health policy and economic policy and whether a Labour government or a National government is the best alternative to lead us,” she says.And while National has traditionally been seen as the best government for the economy – much as the Coalition has been seen in Australia – that isn’t necessarily true in the minds of voters anymore, according to Hayward.In practice, those poll numbers mean that under New Zealand’s mixed-member proportional representation (MMP) system, in which voters tick a box for a local electorate candidate and also tick a separate box for which party they support, Ardern is likely to be returned to government in coalition with the Greens, with New Zealand First potentially missing out entirely (something party leader Winston Peters hotly disputes) and National and ACT on the opposition benches.Jennifer Curtin, a politics professor at the University of Auckland, suggests “it’s unlikely to be a centre-right coalition” forming government after the polls close at 7pm Saturday night and votes start to be counted, with National and ACT likely able to reach about 40 per cent.About 3.4 million people are eligible to vote in the election and already more than 1 million have voted.But don’t expect a quick result in the count on Saturday night – or for Labour to win a thumping majority, necessarily.”I think it’s unlikely Labour will reach 50 per cent,” Curtin says, “and it would also be wise even if Labour can govern alone to work with the Greens. Going into coalition with the Greens would be a useful prod to force them to move more to the left.”Curtin says that while Labour may have over-reached with some of its more ambitious campaign promises in 2017, the party has delivered on issues such as abortion law reform, changes to the sexual crimes act, enshrining its zero-carbon pollution plan in law and in beginning to reset the country’s relationship with its indigenous Maori people.There are 72 electorate seats and 48 party list seats in the parliament and Shaw says up to 30 per cent of Kiwis will vote tactically – ticking the box for a local member from National, for example, but giving their party vote to Ardern as an endorsement of her government.LoadingTo qualify for a percentage of the party list seats, a party has to either win 5 per cent of the national vote or at least one electorate seat. The Greens, typically, don’t win an electorate seat but if they do win about 8 per cent of the vote – as polls predict – that should entitle them to about 10 seats, as is the case with the centre-right ACT.Taken together, the hybrid electoral system lends itself to coalition governments – in fact no one party has held a majority since its introduction in 1996 – and that’s considered the most likely outcome this time around.Both leaders made clear their concerns about tactical voting in a final pitch to voters, asking New Zealanders to give them their votes both in electorates and on the party list – a clear sign of concern that votes will bleed away to the minor parties.But on Saturday evening, it looks likely Ardern will be best-placed to form government.Get our Morning & Evening Edition newslettersThe most important news, analysis and insights delivered to your inbox at the start and end of each day. Sign up to The Sydney Morning Herald’s newsletter here, The Age’s newsletter here, Brisbane Times’ here and WAtoday’s here.James Massola is south-east Asia correspondent based in Jakarta. He was previously chief political correspondent, based in Canberra. He has been a Walkley and Quills finalist on three occasions, won a Kennedy Award for outstanding foreign correspondent and is the author of The Great Cave Rescue.Most Viewed in WorldLoading