On this episode we look at how current environmental crises intersect with two others: the pandemic and the systemic racism and police brutality that have sparked protests around the U.S. and world in recent weeks, with guests Leela Hazzah, founder and executive director of Lion Guardians, and Earyn McGee, a herpetologist and science communicator who just helped organize the first-ever Black Birders Week, a celebration of black birders and nature lovers. McGee tells host Mike G. how Black Birders Week came together so quickly and why it’s necessary to celebrate black nature lovers, and Egyptian conservationist Hazzah discusses what she sees as opportunities for transformative change in conservation due to the pandemic, like for instance that conservation has been named an “essential service” during the health crisis by the Kenyan government, plus the fact that more female and African representatives have been present at important conservation meetings lately, now that they’re all virtual. “I hope that we continue using these virtual tools so we can continue to have more diverse voices at important meetings,” Hazzah says, while also reducing our carbon footprints, she adds. And as McGee says, diversity is important, and people want to be part of the conservation movement as her group’s event proved: “The interest is there…we want to do this work, but there are barriers in our way.” Episode artwork photo of Leela Hazzah © Philip J. Briggs. See all our latest news from nature’s frontline at Mongabay’s homepage: news.mongabay.com or find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by searching for @mongabay. Please visit www.patreon.com/mongabay to pledge a dollar or more to keep this show growing, Mongabay is a nonproft media outlet and all support helps! Supporting at the $10/month level now delivers access to Insider Content at Mongabay.com, too, visit the link above for details. And please invite your friends to subscribe to the Mongabay Newscast on Android, the Google Podcasts app, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, via Pandora or Spotify, or wherever they get podcasts. Feedback is always welcome: submissions@mongabay.com.