There are overlaps between the challenge of fighting the pandemic and the challenge of fighting climate change. What steps can government take to address them both at the same time? Well, the idea that you count on government to see problems out in the future and to really look at the science and understand uh what will work? What won’t work uh.
You know the pandemic illustrates that government didn’t. Look out for us, despite the warnings that were out there, climate fits that same paradigm. Sadly, in the case of climate, as it gets worse and worse towards the end of the century, there isn’t anything like a vaccine that you can spend.
You know tens of billions on and then boom your mistakes. Although they’re horrific uh, you know you, can you can’t, bring it to a close climate change is much harder and the damage that will be done every year.
Uh will be greater than what we’ve seen during this pandemic, so uh, you know, i hope it’s, a wake-up call to think okay. What else are we being warned about? You know: does it take what percentage of government resources would that take uh and you know holding people to account that even things that take a long time, we have to get started now on one of the things common to both the pandemic and a climate change Is a growing mistrust of science? Where will this country end up bill? If voters don’t believe what scientific data show and what scientific models indicate? Well, i think it’s more who do they trust um? You know, science, you know! No one knows all of science.
You know i’m, a perennial student, and the percentage i know is very, very small, but there is this way of picking really good people having really open debates about what’s known. What’s, not known trying different things out there’s, an approach that uh.
You know. Science teaches us that lets us find what those right investments should be. You know, will this vaccine work? Will this bridge fall down all sorts of things that really really count that you don’t want you don’t expect the population themselves to know, but you should pick somebody who believes in experts – and you know, can admit mistakes and Uh is willing to come up with a long-term plan and just saying hey, we’re, a selfish country well for some things that works, but for some things without global cooperation, it’s, a huge problem for this country uh.
So you know, i i think it’s more to do with engaging uh, uh smart approaches than you know the public, knowing a lot of science themselves. When you describe those desirable attributes, do you have anyone in mind? Well, you know somebody who’s proven that they uh have wisdom and that they pick very strong people and they’ll, build a team approach.
Uh. You know i, that’s. What we do when we give out money as a foundation and that you know we have fortunately a lot of success using that approach.